The Myth about Corporate Taxes

Democrats generally favor tax increases. The last time a Democrat ran for president on a platform of cutting taxes, I was spending my days dressed up as Bat Masterson and struggling to learn long-division. So that you won’t question my mental health status, please understand that the year was 1960 and I was seven! Of course, raising taxes is never popular. So Democrats almost always resort to class envy to advance their cause.

Greed and Taxes

We have been hearing a lot about greed lately – especially from politicians running for office. A few months ago, the political types were demonizing greedy oil companies. The most recent scapegoat is the housing/mortgage market. The story line is that greedy individuals seeking ever more lavish homes succumbed to greedy predatory lenders and this has created a financial crisis. But why does no one ever accuse the government of being greedy when it continues to demand ever increasing revenues from a financially strapped populace?

Cruise Blog #1

I experienced the sunrise Monday morning the way that 70% of the world, geographically speaking, experiences it everyday – on the ocean. Debi and I are on a cruise to celebrate our 30th anniversary and the edge of the sun was just appearing on the eastern horizon at 7:49 as I came up on deck.

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What About Bob?

Thanks for the comments some of you made publicly on my last post – the one about hearing from God about becoming like a little child. In addition to the public comments, I got a private communication that was profoundly honest and impactful. It raises some important questions and issues and I’d like to know what you think about it.

Hearing from God in a Dream

Thanks for your comments and stories on my recent blog about hearing God speak. Here is one of my own encounters where God spoke to me through a dream or, more accurately, through a nightmare. In my dream, I was strapping a 4-year old Chinese girl into an electric chair so that she could be executed.

Hearing from God

Lily Tomlin makes an interesting observation when she says, “Why is it when we talk to God we are said to be praying, and when God talks to us we’re said to be schizophrenic?” Does God speak to you? Of course, most Christians would say that God speaks to them through the Bible. God reveals things about himself through his written word. But that is not what I’m talking about. I’m asking does God speak to you like he did to Moses and Abraham and others?

Obama, Oil and DWUI

Senator Barak Obama commented recently on Exxon-Mobile’s 2nd quarter profits of $12 billion by noting that, “No U. S. corporation ever made that much in a single quarter”. In a statement on his web site, the senator called these profits “outrageous … while Americans are paying record prices at the pump.” And yet the federal government collected record high taxes over the last year. Why is the senator not outraged about this?

Evangelical Bait and Switch

A friend sent me a document recently entitled “An Evangelical Manifesto”. It was composed by some well-known Evangelicals leaders like author Os Guinness and Richard Mouw, President of Fuller Seminary. But it sends a very mixed message that essentially makes the offer of the gospel a bait and switch proposition.

Greedy Government Interests

It’s an election year and we are being treated to the Democrats solutions to all problems – higher taxes. Of course, raising taxes is never popular but the Democrats are trotting out their favorite ruse. We need to raise taxes, they claim, but we are only going to raise the taxes on the rich and on greedy corporations. Let’s look at the idea of collecting more income tax revenue from wealthy individuals and see why it is intellectually bankrupt.